Bittersweet Septembers

Emily enjoying a September vacation September is the month of transitions: endings and beginnings. The end of summer and the beginning of fall. When I was growing up my birthday often fell on the first day of school. The beginning of a new grade in school and the start of a new year for me. My best friend was Jewish. She taught me that the Jewish New Year began in September. It makes so much sense. Why does the world use Julius Caesar’s calendar with the New Year honoring Janus, a god that nobody believes in anymore? When I married Mark, whose birthday is also in September, I began celebrating the beginning of his life each year, too. September became a month for giving and receiving. This, too, is a kind of transition, as I morph from being the one who receives gifts and chocolate cake to being the one who gives presents and bakes cheesecake for Mark a few weeks later. ...