Strangers in a Strange Land

Downtown Delavan - a short walk from my house. It's been nearly six months since Mark and I moved from our longtime home in Oneonta, New York, to Delavan, Wisconsin. After living in New York for 32 years, and never expecting to move away, it was quite a shock to find ourselves in this conservative, midwestern town where we didn't know a soul. The last time I walked downtown in Oneonta I met five people that I knew. After five months in Delavan I started to recognize a familiar face in Piggly Wiggly once in awhile, but nobody on the main street. After all, there is no coffee shop here, no bookstore, no Artisan's Guild, no Yellow Deli or Autumn Cafe. No Silks and Treasures. I do walk downtown to the library and the post office, and Mark and I often walk to a Mexican restaurant. Or we did until the coronavirus took over the planet. The explanation for our move is in my last post: "Farewell to Oneonta." It was a sudden dec...