To Everything There is a Season

My family - before the kids left the nest for good. “ To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven.” Thus begins the well-loved Bible passage, Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, adapted into the song, “Turn, Turn, Turn” by Pete Seeger in the late 1950s. The words to this verse remind us that nothing in life is permanent, and so we should not be overly attached to any particular time, place, or thing. The other day I was talking to friends who had realized it was time to let go of some volunteer responsibilities because that part of their lives felt complete. These friends and I feel there is a spiritual reason for each of our ventures – perhaps a lesson to be learned, or an opportunity to polish one of our gifts. But the time comes when the lesson has been learned, the gift has been shared, and we must move on to the next phase of life. ...