Honoring Veterans with Prayers for Peace
It is Veteran’s Day weekend, a time when we honor all of our veterans of war, both dead and living. I honor my father, who thankfully did not have to fight in World War II, but served as a private in ordnance; m y late father-in-law, who flew with the navy during World War II, my uncle who flew a fighter jet in the Korean and Vietnam Wars, a cousin and brother-in-law, who still suffer the after effects of the Vietnam War, and many others. I honor them for their sacrifices and I pray for the day when we no longer create veterans. I was born eight years after World War II ended, and just after the end of the Korean War. As I grew up, these wars were a part of the dim past that made up the history of the world before I came into it. For the first ten years of my life I maintained the naïve belief that all wars were history; that people had learned to resolve their differences without violenc...